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Exhibitions and Shows



“Progressions VII” Exhibition

The McMichael Canadian Collection, Kleinburg, Ontario


London Community Artists

Group Show, London, Ontario

Judge's Choice Award


“Progressions VII” Exhibition

McMichael Canadian Collection / Haliburton School of Art and Design, Ontario Provincial Touring Exhibition



Solo Exhibition

Renaissance Massage Therapy Clinic & Spa, London, Ontario


“Progressions VII” Exhibition

McMichael Canadian Collection / Haliburton School of Art and Design, Ontario Provincial Touring Exhibition

“Facets” Group Show, Travelling Exhibition
  • The Villa Gallery, Port Perry, Ontario
  • Romni Goodwood Arts Centre, Goodwood, Ontario

  • Canadian Summit Centre


“Pathways” Exhibition 

Haliburton School of Art and Design, Haliburton, Ontario


“Ontario on Paper 2” Group Exhibition




“Progressions VI” Exhibition

The McMichael Canadian Collection, Kleinburg, Ontario


“Progressions VI” Exhibition

McMichael Canadian Collection / Haliburton School of Art and Design, Ontario Provincial Touring Exhibition


“Facets” Group Show, Travelling Exhibition
  • Romni Goodwood Arts Centre, Goodwood, Ontario

  • The Villa Gallery, Port Perry, Ontario


“Progressions VII” Exhibition

The McMichael Canadian Collection, Kleinburg, Ontario


“Progressions V” Exhibition
The McMichael Canadian Collection, Kleinburg, Ontario


“Just A Position” Exhibition
The Haliburton School of Art and Design, Haliburton, Ontario


“Facets” Group Show, Travelling Exhibition

The Haliburton School of Art and Design, Haliburton, Ontario


“Progressions V” Exhibition

McMichael Canadian Collection / Haliburton School of Art and Design, Ontario Provincial Touring Exhibition


Solo Exhibition
Downtown London, London, Ontario


Group Exhibition

Square Foot Show, Westland Gallery, London, Ontario



Group Exhibition
Square Foot Show, Westland Gallery, London, Ontario




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